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The seven questions of the Superpositivity Exchange
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Superpositivity Exchange is based upon seven simple yet powerful questions that encompass the most affirmative elements of life: consciousness, inspiration, gratitude, forgiveness, appreciation and improvement. All these questions are so simple that even a small child could answer them yet so rare that most grown-ups never ask themselves or each other these questions even once in their lifetime! 

It is estimated that there are over a billion households in the world, and it’d be absolutely wonderful if universally understandable and practicable positive conversations could be held at each one of them. Where instead of trifling talks about criticism, gossip and maligning, people would nurture their family and friends with transforming talks about gratitude, appreciation and improvement. Where they’d motivate each other to be their finest versions every day. And, above all, where they’d encourage each other to have Superpositivity Exchanges every day — the best conversations humanity can have.

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Superpositivity Exchange is a simple yet powerful tool to address the anomaly that inherently plagues negative conversations. It is built on only positive questions that encourage and elicit only positive answers from others. It is designed not to leave any elbow room for negative discussions, because otherwise it’d defeat its very purpose. But for that to actually happen, there are five simple rules or caveats that must be honoured whenever or wherever the Superpositivity Exchange is held.


A survey done in Britain found out that an average person has 27 conversations every day, lasting an average of 10 minutes each. As we’ve already ascertained, most of those conversations teeter on the negative. In order for us to neutralise the collective effect of all those conversations, we need to have at least one Superpositivity Exchange every day. Of course, the more, the merrier!


Superpositivity Exchange is designed to transcend background, knowledge, skill, language, age and every other limitation. It is the simplest of conversations that any group of two or more people can have over a meal or whenever they come together. The most beautiful thing about the Superpositivity Exchange is its inclusiveness: it can be done anywhere, anytime with anyone. Ultimately, when it comes to the Superpositivity Exchange, it’s not where you do it, who you do it with, how long you do it, or how you do it but the fact that you just do it that truly matters.


The reason most beautiful conversations never take place is that people are scared of being judged. They have their guards up perpetually, trying to defend themselves and their inner beings. The very reason this exchange starts with the word Superpositivity is that it should be done with the singular intent of enabling everyone individually — and humanity collectively — to be their highest version, whereby we let others express their feelings without any prejudice and with the assurance that they will not be judged for their answers or perspectives. You see, Superpositivity Exchange is not designed to inflate the questioner’s ego but to uplift the answerer’s spirits. Fulfil that vision — and you will feel more fulfilled than you can imagine.


This is an extension of the previous rule, and equally important. There will be many times and many answers where you will intrinsically want to stop and “correct” the “errant” ones. Once again, please resist that temptation by all means. Never stop the flow of the exchange at any point to dissect any answer. Just smoothly flow from one answer to the next, without ever stopping the flow of the exchange, even if you don’t like what’s been shared. At times there would be controversial answers or debatable answers but never get into an argument about any answer either during the exchange or later. Once an answer is given, it’s over and it’s time to move to the next one. As they say, the exchange must go on!


The most important role in Superpositivity Exchange is of the one who initiates the exchange. We believe that the most important part of any beautiful creation, whether a meal, a book or a movie, should ideally come last. In the context of the Superpositivity Exchange, the one who is asking the questions should always be the last one to answer them. The whole point of this exchange is not one-upmanship but oneness. The former is about superiority but the latter is about equality — and that is the very premise of Superpositivity Exchange. And the core purpose of Superpositivity.

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